Since her stint in the 2016 film "Spider-Man: Homecoming," Zendaya has garnered a fan following, who love to follow her activities on social media. However, the actress (now also renowned for the film "Malcolm & Marie") has revealed that there were times when using an Instagram account that she would feel noticeable levels of anxieties. In her recent interview, the actress also added that it was imperative for her that she must be the one to use her own social media and no other representative. Zendaya became honest about her social media worries during her recent conversations with the "HEPA in Conversation" podcast. In her interview, she revealed that though she has managed to entertain fans on her social media, she did face a lot of challenges while keeping up with everything. One of the important things she mentioned in the interview was the fact that only she uses her Instagram account, and she added that it is imperative that only she use...