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Is Using Public Wi-Fi Still Dangerous in the Year 2020?

The use of Public Wi-Fi is widespread, and it makes the life of people easier as it allows users to use the internet connection for free. The users get access to Public Wi-Fi is not only the popular public places but also at the congested locations such as apartments, coffee shops, hotels, public libraries, airports, malls and restaurants. Although at first instance, it looks that there is no harm when you sign in into your social media accounts by using public Wi-Fi and go through the news articles, read emails and check your bank accounts, it could be risky at some times.
Public Wi-Fi  Safe or Not?
The topic is complicated one, but the people using Public Wi-Fi should understand that the use of public Wi-Fi is quite safe. The safety of public Wi-Fi is ensured by the widely spread HTTPS connections on the webs as it is an encrypted connection. The widespread HTTPS connections make it difficult for other people to snoop on whatever you are doing online while using public Wi-Fi. Man in the middle attacks are also not so common, and it is not so easy to happen frequently. But, if you think that the use of Public Wi-Fi is entirely safe, then it is not so because there are still some threats.
What are the risks of using public Wi-Fi?
There are several risks which exist when we use public Wi-Fi, and it came to us in different ways; however, the business owners make sure to provide the safe and protected service, but still, there is a chance of some laxity which may appear in the form of following:-
MITM Attacks
Man in the middle attack is a form of spying which often takes place when the data is sent from the A point of a computer to point B. The transmission between the networks makes it vulnerable for the attackers to spy in between the transmissions and destroy your privacy.
Malware Attacks
The distribution of Malware is possible due to the vulnerabilities of the software, which makes it easy for the attackers to slip any malware in your computer without your information. Malware can be defined as the existence of weakness or security hole in a software program or an operating system. The cybercriminals exploit this security hole of an operating system and put you under privacy threats.
Existence of Unencrypted Networks
It becomes necessary to turn on the encryption when any IT professional is setting up the system because in most of the networks encryption is often turned off by default. If the professionals are not taking care of turning on the encryption, then it is a significant threat, and unsecured networks can cause a lot of damage to your online information.
Malicious Hotspots
Malicious hotspots can be defined as some rogue or unsecured access points which often intrigued the users as real one but is a false access point set up by the cybercriminals. If you sign into the wrong access points thinking it to be an original one, then you are under threat, and the cyber thieves could steal all information.
Sniffing and Snooping
There are some individual software devices and techniques which cyber thieves often purchase and used it to spy into everything you are doing online using public Wi-Fi. The cybercriminals steal all your vital online information by using such special techniques and then misuse it in several ways which often includes unauthorized accessing your bank accounts and stealing your money online too.
Ways to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi
The users should be careful if your Wi-Fi is connecting automatically to some networks and verify if the website is using HTTPS before login into your account.
The use of Virtual private networks has become common these days as it provides safety to your online information.
You should disable the file sharing and try to visit only the website having HTTPS secured and sign out of the accounts when you have used them. Try to log out of the networks that are not protected by the passwords . Try to not to access to the systems which have your sensitive information such as financial accounts or insurance-related accounts.

David Root is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.


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